Neck Warmer




So, I’m behind….Here’s my blue/black neck warmer. I look awful without my neck (See photos.) so my friend will be receiving this as a gift.

I crocheted this neckwarmer. I made it grow in circumference so it’s wider at the top (under the chin). This was a quick crochet project which was nice and easy.

I’ll probably make a few for other friends and family for gifts.

Smiles, DawnMarie


Was way too busy to craft this weekend 😦 BUT…. I now share a very organized closet with my husband! 4 hours of organizing and 7 trash bags full of clothes for goodwill, took all of my energy.


In Good News…

my dad was here!

pops in his homeland

In bad news…I did not craft.

In good news…

I got the matching secretariat to my desk! (thanks pops for bringing it down)

In other news…the week was crazy & neither KT nor I knew what we wanted to make. We came up with the idea of a grab bag, using what we had around the house – but I honestly just wasn’t in the mood to craft.

So hopefully this week I will be re-inspired.

Ava’s 6th birthday is in 2 weeks. Cow girl theme. I am excited & am hoping to make most of the decorations, so I will blog about those, along with any other craft we may decide to do.

Week 12: Wreath by Bex

Katie Gtalked me earlier today about how fun this craft was. So of course I had to get right on it! I had the same breakdown in supplies. Picked up the grapevine wreath at Michael’s for $4.99 & the felt pieces for $.29.

Although making the flowers can get a bit tedious, they turn out so well, & it makes it worth it. I started with wavy circles to give the flowers some dimension.  I found this technique over on a DIY blog post by Take Heart.

Finished Product!

Week 12: Wreath by Katie

So far, this is my favorite craft! I went to Michaels and bought a grapevine wreath for $4.99 (you can also get a lighter color wreath at the dollar store), and a gazillion pieces of felt, in all different colors for .29¢. I ended up only using 9 sheets of felt in 3 of the colors. I used this tutorial for making the felt flowers from Katie Miller’s blog – LIttle Things Bring Smiles .

I cut out around 30 flowers, got out the hot glue gun, and started rolling.


I ended up liking the flowers that were not cut perfect (I got lazy towards the end). That gave them a unique shape and depth.


I wanted to hang this from a cute piece of ribbon, but couldn’t find find the right color/width. I will continue looking, so it hangs a little lower.


Finished! Now, to do something about my sad dead planter….

Week 12: Wreaths

Well since last week’s fall theme brought us cooler weather, we are sticking with it!

Katie has the amazing privilege of hosting her families Thanksgiving, so we have to make sure her house is ready for the occasion!!

I, on the other hand, will throw mine up on the door of my condo until my HOA tells me to take it down.

handmadecolectibles etsy shop

Week 11: Neck Warmer by Katie

I complete forgot to take before pictures. I started with red yarn I had laying around and size 11 knitting needles.


Half way done. Notice my grandma’s knitting bag 🙂


Buttons! Didn’t realize how expensive wooden buttons are.



Done! I wanted it to loop twice around my neck. I ran out of yarn, so it is what little snug but perfect for fall.